English translation for "viewing matrix"
- 查看矩阵
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The viewing matrix to track both the cartesian coordinates 通过显示轨迹矩阵的直角坐标系 | | 2. | The viewing matrix to track both the cartesian coordinates 通过显示轨迹矩阵的直角坐标系 | | 3. | You could also move the view matrix to affect your coordinate system 你也可以移动观察矩阵来影响你的坐标系统。 | | 4. | To transform our coordinates back to world space , we will need an " inverse matrix " of our view matrix - that is , a matrix that does the reverse of the view matrix , and thus given a coordinate that has been multiplied by the view matrix , will return the original coordinate 将坐标转换到空间世界,我们将需要视窗矩阵的一个逆矩阵?就是视窗矩阵的倒转过来的矩阵,并假定一个被视窗矩阵放大几倍的坐标轴将会返回原坐标。 |
- Similar Words:
- "viewing lens" English translation, "viewing lens control disk" English translation, "viewing lenses" English translation, "viewing magnifier" English translation, "viewing mask" English translation, "viewing microscope" English translation, "viewing mirror" English translation, "viewing mode" English translation, "viewing monitor" English translation, "viewing optical system" English translation