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English translation for "viewing matrix"


Related Translations:
dissolving views:  【电影】渐隐画面。
breathtaking views:  让人惊讶的景色
longitudinal view:  纵视图
upward view:  仰视图
toplan view:  俯视图
satellite view:  卫星观察
table view:  泰布尔维尤
physical view:  实体观点
received view:  公认的观点普遍看法
viewing window:  观察窗观察孔观察口
Example Sentences:
1.The viewing matrix to track both the cartesian coordinates
2.The viewing matrix to track both the cartesian coordinates
3.You could also move the view matrix to affect your coordinate system
4.To transform our coordinates back to world space , we will need an " inverse matrix " of our view matrix - that is , a matrix that does the reverse of the view matrix , and thus given a coordinate that has been multiplied by the view matrix , will return the original coordinate
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